Straightaway he swooped down upon the world of men.Ĭasting shafts of lightning every which way, he whipped upĪ fierce tempest turning day into night. Zeus shook himself once and turned into a powerful eagle. The King of Heaven flamed with love for the young Trojan�s thighs. Under the watchful gaze of his aged tutors. Zeus spied Ganymede up in the meadows of Mount Ida, chilling with his friends One day, looking down from his throne on Mount Olympus, Him as he wrestled, or rode to the hounds, or swam through the crashing,ĭragging breakers of the warm Mediterranean. Tros loved Ganymedeįrom the bottom of his heart and set guardians and tutors to watch over The handsomest ever born of the human race. Ilus founder of Ilium, Assaracus, and god-like Ganymede � Lord of the Trojans, and to him in turn were born three unblemished boys: Gay Greek Mythology - Zeus and Ganymede - The World History of Male LoveĮrichthonius, the first to ever harness four horses to a chariot,